The DARE project organises a full day workshop co-located with the eScience 2019 conference in San Diego, California, USA from which runs from 24 to 27 September 2019.
The workshop titled Bridging from Concepts to Data and Computation for eScience (BC2DC’19) will take place on September, 24, 2019 and will focus on platform-driven and domain-specific developments that contribute towards unifying underlying platforms, clouds, data, computational resources and concepts in order to empower research developers to deliver, maintain and communicate larger, increasingly complex eScience systems.
The proceedings of the workshop will be included in the eScience 2019 proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, USA and made available online through the IEEE Digital Library.
Please note: The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Monday 15 July 2019. Further details and guidelines for submitting your abstract can be found at:
We invite you to submit your paper and join us in San Diego in September!