About DARE

Scope & Objectives

By pioneering novel ways to interact with research and other e-infrastructures, DARE aims to:

  • Accelerate innovation in the face of data, computation and complexity extremes
  • Significantly increase productivity for expert teams and a wide range of users
  • Substantially advance science and applications achievable on European e-infrastructures

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Use Cases

EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe. More Information

IS-ENES3 is the Infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System modelling, ENES. It promotes the development of a common distributed modelling research infrastructure in Europe in order to facilitate the development and exploitation of climate models and better fulfill the societal needs with regards to climate change issues, through several projects. More Information

Concept & Methodology

To maximise efficiency, utilisation and uptake of European e-infrastructures, new models of interaction must be established. Instead of focusing on delivering end-user- facing solutions top-down, DARE puts teams of research developers and scientists, creating advanced data-powered methods, at the forefront of scientific progress and innovation and enables them to craft solutions required by their communities.

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Platform & Services

Platform & Services

DARE addresses the requirements of research developers, scientists and innovators by delivering a hyper-platform to fill in the platform-to-innovation gap, in close coordination with generic and research infrastructures. DARE will integrate and improve an extensive variety of tools and services, each covering an essential subset of the overall requirements.

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e-infrastructures & Initiatives


Read the DARE Newsletter to find out what the part...

Our electronic Newsletter showcases the DARE partnership’s achievements during the three years of the project. The Newsletter wraps up the scientific advancements, the creation of the DARE Platform, the scientific […]

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DARE Project Achievements

Four of the major achievements of the DARE project are: Τhe creation of a user-friendly platform namely the DARE Platform which is available for use by developers. The DARE Αrchitecture […]

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DARE participated at EOSC Expo2020

The DARE project was accepted to hold an eBooth during the EOSC Projects Expo 2020, the first virtual exhibition, between 16-19 November 2020, showcasing initiatives and projects of the European […]

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Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis