The Volcanology (VC) test case, has been developed in order to extend the use of the DARE platform to the EPOS volcanology community.
The scientific purpose of the test case is to analyse ash dispersal after volcanic eruptions including distributions of deposit thickness, ground load and airborne mass. A fast and reliable simulation of these volcanic parameters and their mapping onto the affected area is an important procedure in volcanic hazard modelling. The DARE platform, together with its user friendly and platform independent execution, can support domain specialists in achieving these tasks, demonstrating its utility also in the framework of the volcanic hazard and risk assessment.
Figure 5 shows the detailed steps of the VC workflow and how they are implemented and executed in the DARE platform:
Metadata and provenance are captured and stored for all the workflows through dispel4py and CWL, and they are fully customisable and explorable through the Provenance Viewer Portal.
Figure 5: Implementation of the VC test case in the DARE platform
Figure 6 shows the output produced by the VC test case, in this example for an eruption at Stromboli.
Figure 6: Simulation results for the VC test case. Figures show the deposit thickness in mm 2:30 h (left) and 5:30 h (right) after the eruption started for a scenario at Stromboli volcano on 1 January 2017.
– Jupyter Notebook for VC test case:
– dispel4py sub-workflows composing the test case:
– FALL3Dpy docker and CWL workflow: